Crypto Bowls — Prelude

Crypto Bowls
2 min readOct 2, 2021


Henry Willowstone wakes up in a commoner groundskeeper shack to a bright sunshine with shades of red sky and deep blue clouds. It’s sunrise. Henry sees through his panel windows as he’s woken by the barks of his old reliable shepherd greyhound with her small yet sharp ears pulled all the way up, wearing a vibrant maroon necklace with white letters that spell “DERBY”. Cut to Derby now slower and calmer barking and exposing her limping left-back leg whose injury, long ago, still affects her to this day. Surrounding Derby is a large world with vast hills and amazing mythical-looking fauna and flora, along with castles, commercial buildings, forts, markets, stables, religious buildings and a public square. Henry pulls his straps, robes and straw hat along with his tools and technological metal-rusted hoe while in the background showing more parts of his home and the small bodega constructed alongside his house, while large fields of crops and some herd animals flash in the backside of his home. Henry incurs in comedic small talk with Derby as he says some sort of good morning to her while the bright sky blinds them both as they exit their home and enter the main road into the city market. Henry and Derby walk along the main road while they pass by different characters. Henry tells Derby the ingredients and materials they need to gather in the market, she barks in agreement. As the humble commoner gathers his materials at a workshop without a peep, he looks in awe as the afternoon and the sky is a heavy deep blue with few clouds and a shy yellow sky.

After an awful long day, Henry decides to go home with all the garnered supplies. Once he reaches home, he fetches a cold bowl of water for his dog, and sits in his bed pondering about life and everything. He is tired, yet not enough to fall cold asleep as usual. Yet he ponders. He wonders what’s behind that giant iron fence where the forest’s bounds lie. No one who ever travelled there has returned, and Henry knows that pretty well… Yet he questions. What could be hiding there? Would the governor be hiding something from the people? Yet again, not many trusted the governor. And just like that, pondering about life, Henry found himself quite worried about everything and nothing. Hoping to see another day tomorrow, he closes his eyes as he looks towards the deep blue moon and dark pitch red-ring sky. He now sleeps.

The fact that he slept was an achievement in it of itself, given the state of the world…



Crypto Bowls

Crypto Bowls tells the story of how after a mysterious freakish accident the world changed as we know it. Follow this NFT and its community-driven story!